Luckily for Ed's wallet, the stage doesn't last for too long, because Ling is also a Badass Normal with the ability to detect homunculi, and so are both of his bodyguards, so they quickly get involved in the actual plot. Fullmetal Alchemist: An early stage of Ling Yao's friendship with Ed consists of Ling sitting uninvited in Ed's hotel room ordering room service by the ton at Ed's expense.And there's nothing he can do, she's come to stay. Oh, and did we mention she beats the living shit out of him to the point of killing him? That's fine, she just resurrects him, only to kill him again and again. Sakura from Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan suffers greatly from this trope, since Dokuro-chan decides to live with him.The host's aggravation will likely dissipate after this. When the host is at the end of their rope, the guest solves the problem either by turning to be a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass who turns their skills to repaying their host's kindness, being The Social Expert and charming whoever is causing the host's grief, etc. Or, alternatively, an attempt for the guest to provoke a tearful farewell by acting wounded and bemoaning their hosts' ungraciousness - only for the by-now hard-hearted host, who has gone way past any limits of tolerance they may have had with this annoying and inconsiderate leech, to push them out the door (perhaps while screaming, " Get Out!"), slam it shut and lock it behind them.Īlternately, the host may end up facing a serious crisis that could lead to their being humiliated, ruined or otherwise facing a very bad outcome. After having their lives turned completely upside down by someone who appears to have no clue as to the harm they're doing, the inevitable confrontation occurs.Įxpect a tearful farewell from the guest as they disappear out into the cold, and a mountain of regret from the homeowners as they wonder whether there was a better way to handle the situation. Invariably the friend will either be a complete eccentric or have absolutely no regard for the people whose home they're squatting in. Supposedly the situation will be temporary until they get back on their feet. The most common way of getting caught in this trap is to take in a friend or relative who's down on their luck. The put upon homeowners must find a way to remove this intruder without being rude, but no matter how many times they yawn, look at the clock, or mention an early appointment for the next day, their guest remains an immovable fixture.

Many a Dom Com has used the set-up of a house guest that simply will not leave.

Unfortunately, courtesy is not always reciprocated, and, to your horror, you can find yourself trapped with The Thing That Would Not Leave. Everyone wants to be polite, especially to a guest in your home.